Born Vita Smoothie

Cold beverages are the most sought-after cravings during the summer season. One such popular beverage which is liked by everyone and specially by kids is Smoothie. Usually kids like smoothies with chocolates or other sweet syrups. This smoothie has a small change where we will be using Born vita in place of other sweetening elements to give it our twist of healthiness. Here we go..

PREPARATION TIME : 15 to 20 Mins

CALORIES : 400 cal



  • Low fat milk - 400 ml
  • Low fat cream -100 ml
  • Sugar - 2 tbs
  • Born Vita - 4-5 tbs
  • Coffee - 1 tbs
  • Vanilla essence (optional) 

  1. In a blender or mixer put milk, low fat cream, sugar, Born Vita, coffee and Vanilla essence which is optional.

  2. Blend all the ingredients for 2 to 3 minutes and pour it into the serving mugs.

  3. Sprinkle some Born Vita on the top. Other toppings like chocolate syrups, grated chocolates or vanilla ice cream can also be used to make it more yummy.
